It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world - Chaos Theory
The Butterfly Effect refers to a popular hypothetical example of chaos theory, which illustrates how small initial differences may lead to large unforeseen consequences over time.This post is not about time travel or “chaos” like in the movie, "The Butterfly Effect", but an explanation of how this theory applies to inspiration. How is this relevant you ask? How does this apply to the music of Lee DeWyze? Think about it. This all started with one act. It started when Lee auditioned for American Idol. Technically, it goes back to his friend that talked him into auditioning for American Idol. If that one event had not happened…most of us would not be friends; we would have never met. I might not even be creating art at all. Can you imagine? I went several years without creating anything. In the last 4 years of being inspired by Lee DeWyze, I have created a total of 18 paintings and 223 sketches. All inspired by HIS words & HIS voice. That’s kind of a big deal. Lee’s voice creates a Butterfly Effect of inspiration. When I hear his voice & lyrics, it inspires me to illustrate his story and post the story behind it, then seeing me post something might inspire someone else to do the same and so on and so on… get it? The continuing acts of us inspiring each other builds and builds into what can almost be the fluttering wings of a butterfly.
This post is not going to be about my art. Outside of the title piece, you’ll see none of my stuff today. This is dedicated to all the other Lee DeWyze fans that have been inspired by Lee and his music. There are so many people out there affected by his music… he inspires them to draw, play instruments, sing, write....even get his lyrics as tattoos...The list is long. Obviously his lyrics play a huge part when inspiring his fans, but it’s not just that. It is his delivery of his words, his character… the whole package.
You are about to enter the online gallery I have created to show you how Lee inspires his fans. Halls of picture frames....full of brilliant thoughts, inspirations and other musings from fans inspired by Lee DeWyze. There are so many talented people out there that have been affected by his music and they deserve to be in the spotlight. So many people actually, that I was unable to use ALL the submissions in this post due to the size, however… that just means we’ll be able to do this again! You never know, seeing all this other work might inspire more people. So without further ado, Welcome…….

“You have been created in order that you might make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world.”
― Andy Andrews,
Below each piece, you will find the creator's name and some info:
Portrait by @Maximized702- this is just one of Max's amazing Lee drawings! He has done several more of Lee , including one with Jonna.
Portrait by @cristististi – this is just one sketch out of the many creative projects that were inspired by Lee
Portrait by @ArtByAbigail- Abigaail is an amazing artist that does all kinds of portraits and figure drawings. She actually does commission work! So, if you are interested in any of her work or want something more custom, you can e-mail her at
The two pieces above were not submitted, but found by other fans on the Deviant Art site. I made sure the artist’s names were posted on there so it was clear who creates them. These are SOOO amazing and way too good not to share! That bottom one in color? Crazy good!
Tattoo in progress: @Marekatslp –This is an in progress tattoo inspired by Annabelle, the first song she ever heard that had a life of it's own and she just wanted that feeling with her always.
The two above were submitted by the same person, @Lees_biggestfan. Kelly not only created this amazing picture frame with song lyrics on it, but her “Stay” tattoo represents her favorite song. Lee actually wrote the word on her ankle and the tattoo was done over it.
These two lyrically inspired tattoos belong to @sidewaysSavage. Both are beautiful pieces designed around beautiful lyrics.
This tattoo belongs to @Freecielynn. Set in a beautiful frame to capture the essence of his latest album “Frames” is a message from Lee, with his signature.
The two collages above are by @Jessk2489. Not Only has she created amazing gifts for Lee like this guitar strap, but she has a lyric tattoo, plays guitar covering his songs, and has created a bunch of little Lee DeWyze treasures.
@Jessk2489, @Lees_biggestfan & @Palantineleefan have become super close friends through meeting up at Lee shows, before a show they created this bear dressed like Lee to give him after the show.
@marekatslp-Mare is an amazing writer. She did the visual Album review with me for "Frames". She has often explains how she finds herself again & again in the music. That connection makes her want to write
The two above pieces are portions of a novel that @alloftheabove90 is working on that was inspired by listening to the music. This is the first time she has shown anyone. I can not wait to read the final product!
@Assorted_raisins (instragram)- Sabrina writes and takes photos. She created this “frame” piece to tell you how Lee inspires her
@melissawill1 – is currently learning to play the piano thanks to Lee. I cannot wait to hear her play! Melissa is from Australia and has traveled to L.A to see him perform.
@67grandma – Claire travels all over the US to see Lee play. She is been to 28 shows so far spanning from Boston to L.A. and at 72 years old, does not plan on stopping anytime soon. I love this woman
@Isye8586- Isye is so amazing and sweet. She is so moved by Lee and his music that she traveled to Chicago to see him all the way from Indonesia!
@MissDeterm1ned- above you can read how Lee inspired Jenna who is currently enrolled in a program in Chicago. Lee inspired that journey all the way from Finland.
This is just one of the MANY creations made by @Weyesoxboo. Boo is an inspiring person in her own right, but above you can read how Lee inspires her and her many colorful creations
Click on the link to bring this image to life!
These last 3 pieces were submitted by @dewyzefan6 . Follow the links to bring these creations to life. Annie id one of many people that are totally invested in promoting Lee & his music.
Thank you to everyone that has submitted the work above!Everything looks amazing. The stories are very inspiring. Due to the amount of submissions I received and hopefully those of you that have been inspired by this, we WILL be doing it again, so stay tuned and Thank you ALL for all you do for Lee…I can not even begin to list everyone that spends their days requesting songs, spreading the word, etc. You are ALL amazing. I feel so blessed to be able to have gotten to know you all and can’t wait to welcome more into our continually growing circle.
A message to Lee:
Dear Lee DeWyze, Thank you for inspiring us. Thank you for sharing your amazing gift with us, bringing us together and for not letting the industry change you. We may be viewed as crazy fans to people outside of the FamiLee, but I am sure I can speak for everyone when I say that is ok! Through your music, your words… we have all found something special and applied it to our lives…. Each one of us is an artist…...and a writer...and a musician... a friend...a promoter... and most of all a famiLee. All because you made that decision to audition for a reality show. So, Thank you. Thank you So much Lee!
I highly suggest that if you aren't currently following Lee DeWyze, you do so. Go out and purchase "Frames", I literally listen to it everyday.....
Below are all the ways you can follow Lee and keep up with what he is doing. If you are lucky enough to be near wherever he might be playing...don't miss it! There is nothing like seeing this man perform live!!! The music is taken to a whole new level when you can SEE the passion behind that voice!!! Never before have I seen or heard someone more meant to make music.Go check him out!!!
And check this page out also! Another fan creation full of Lee info!!! Fans working together to promote what we love!
Thank you everyone!!!!