Thursday, July 31, 2014

"Sketch of the night" by YOU!! Thank you! Our first Interactive sketch!

Hello everyone!
Last night I tried something a bit different with my sketch of the night and I thought it went pretty well…..
As most of you know, a majority of my people sketches have no faces. I like to let the gestures of the people show the emotion. Most of the time, they are attached to a Lee DeWyze song lyric. In these cases, most people take it all the same way…with the occasional difference of opinion with how one person takes the song as apposed to another. What about the non song related sketches? Sometimes I will be going through some of my own personal thoughts or emotion, sketch it, post it… then am fascinated by how people see it. Sometimes it’s right on point, sometimes I’m like “Really? That’s how they take this?” Which brings me to last night’s sketch…. The first of what I hope to be many …. An Interactive Sketch!!!! What is this you ask?
Well, I’ve had a lot of things on my mind….and the below sketch is what portrayed that. (I am not going to tell you WHY I drew what I did…) It was not based on a song… it was just how I felt at the time.  I decided to put it out there and let YOU caption it!

I posted this picture on the Face book page, Twitter and Instagram asking you all to caption this picture! I got LOTS of replies from all 3, mostly in message forms… I guess they were secret, lol. Anyway, I made a thought bubble for everyone’s reply. Some people were pretty darn close, some were silly and some were just simple and light hearted ranging from sadness & loneliness to playing hide and go seek! The final product is below…

….even though a lot of the things were not on my mind (haha)... the end product looked very much like my mind… jumbled and full of EVERYTHING….. I thought it ended up looking pretty awesome. I hope to do more of these in the future… so if anyone has any ideas, let me know!!!!!!!!  Thank you to all of you that participated!
As an extra bonus, I had a visual for "Silver Lining" because it was in my head... So here ya go :-) 

Have a good day everyone!!!! 

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