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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SOON.... It's coming.....

Back in August of 2013;  Lee DeWyze released his album “Frames “  and along with the help of one of my best friends and my sister… we created a Visual review of the album.

I have yet to see this done by any other artist for any other musician. For those of you that do not know me, My name is Jenn Harding and I am an artist. About 99.9% of my work has been inspired by the music and lyrics of Lee DeWyze. 

Back in 2013, I did a Visual review of “Frames” A track by track  visual journey of how each song made me feel, why I chose the image I did to represent that song, etc.

To take it to the next level and show you just how powerful music and art are when they come together, My friend Mare also contributed using her knowledge of Lee’s music and my art and how the two together make her feel. 

Then as an added bonus…. I introduced my sister, Danielle.  She writes about the art and how it makes her feel before she hears the song for the first time….. It is an amazing experience to hear how everyone has different takes on the songs, the art and then the two of them together… 

 The world is filled with music lovers that are not necessarily exposed to the art world and vice versa…. This format;  a visual  review; not  only exposed both art and music fans to the other… but explains how they can come together to create a whole new experience. …. 

 Within the next few weeks; Mare, Danielle and myself will be posting each track on Lee’s newest album “Oil & Water”, which was released in February of this year. It is 10 songs of perfection and I have art for all tracks. 


Hopefully as soon as Monday or Tuesday of next week, we will have our first post up for Track 1, “Again”

So stay tuned and spread the word!!!!! We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback as we go track by track through this hauntingly beautiful album!


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