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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

please read this and help spread the word!


One of the most intense feelings of love you will ever feel is when you become a parent and being the mother of a six year old boy....makes this project that much closer to my heart, not to mention, an avid Phillies fan myself.
A good friend & co worker of mine; Netta, lost her Step daughter Colleen in a motorcycle accident back in October (I had previously said November in error on my other posts, I apologize), leaving behind a beautiful 4 year old son, Cole. It is such a tragic story that just breaks my heart. A lot of you might remember, I had done a portrait of Colleen and her son to give to Netta & her husband Jimmy at the time of the service. Something special to give to the family. It was probably the most touching memorial service I have ever attended. Seeing so many people there, seeing just how many people’s lives were touched by this one woman…I can not even begin to describe it…
My friend Netta has been following my Lee DeWyze inspired art journey since the beginning and had asked me to do a sketch of a picture they had of Coleen & her son with hopes to send it to Chase Utley, of the Philadelphia Phillies to sign it for Cole. The entire family are huge Phillies fans (as am I); it was something they bonded over... So they thought it would make a special keepsake for Cole to remember his mother and the times they spent together.
Of course I agreed to do this for them! I’ll always do anything to help out a friend! All I have to say is this precious 4 year old boy has been handling this loss better than I ever could. He is brave and seems to almost understand... Asking his grandfather not to be sad... He is an extraordinary little boy. Netta talks about him everyday, so it feels like I'm a part of his life and you can’t help but be touched, saddened and a little proud all at the same time.
I have made this sketch for them from one of their favorite pictures taken while watching a baseball game and on it, is a message from her Father, Jimmy. Please help me get this story to the Phillies and to Chase Utley! Please use hash tags, re-tweet on Twitter, post on Instagram and share my Facebook page... Asking all to do the same. Help me make this happen for Cole. I think he more than deserves something this great!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and re-posting! Here is the link to the Facebook page! Please "like" and share!!! 

Thank you again! 

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